Visitors are welcome! Due to the meeting being during Thanksgiving week, rather than having a guest speaker each member will create Still Life Sketches. Members will be encouraged to bring personal items from home suitable for being the subject in a still life painting and we will each have our choice of which setting we want to draw or paint from the many choices available that evening. Members will vote on the finished artwork and Best of Show will receive $25 at the close of voting that evening. Pencils and watercolor paper and small canvases will be provided. Each member can bring their own medium (paint, pencils, pens, pastels, etc.), if they choose to do so to possibly increase their chance to win Best of Show. It will be a fun event and give us more ideas of what we can create quickly using our imagination.
Featured Medium: Still Life
Presenter: Artium’s Still Life Sketches
Meeting Notes: See November Speaker page for details and pictures.